Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sentimental Saturday ~ Hero Quitman "Quit" Blanton

Quit was a brother to Craton Rone. He was five years younger than Craton.
Craton, my 2ggreat grandfather was killed while a passenger on Quit's motorcycle.
I often wonder how Quit lived with the remorse of that accident. He was injured and hospitalized, but lived through it. My heart goes out to him.
He owned and operated an electric company in Shelby, NC.
He married Fannie Victoria Crouch.
He passed away at age 92, from congestive heart failure and a fractured hip.

1880 ~ 1973
Hero Quitman Blanton

Here is  a page from the Shelby City Directory, 1937-38. Near the bottom of the page listed H.Q. Blanton and wife, Fannie.