Thursday, March 3, 2011

Charles Heberton Ellis ~ 3rd Great Grand Uncle

Charles Heberton Ellis and his wife, Nancy Turner Ellis are buried not very far from the area in which they lived their lives.

They are buried at Buffalo Baptist Cemetery in Cherokee County, South Carolina.

Charles’ marker has succumbed to the ravages of time and lies in silent testament to the man that it once identified.

Sadly, this happens and markers are lost. I see that other such markers in this cemetery have been dutifully replaced when they became no longer legible. For this, I am glad. Preservation and documentation is so very important, or we will eventually lose the knowledge of where our ancestor’s lie.

That is my personal quest, to document all that I can , for future seekers. Hopefully they will still search long after I am but a name, in a cemetery somewhere. Ashes to ashes and a name etched on stone.

Nancy’s marker still stands and gives us comfort that Charles rests beside her. Nancy's parents were Elijah Turner, Sr. and Edith "Edy" Jane Sarratt, buried at Ellis/Turner Cemetery, Spartanburg County, S.C.
Nancy was a sister to Sarah A. "Sally" Turner, who married David Ross Ellis. David and Sarah Turner Ellis were my 3rd Great grandparents. So two brothers, married two sisters.

There are old markers here and old graves really speak to me. It is like touching the past and being a small part of it all.  I love being in the midst of all that time passage.

I was proud to walk among them and whisper my hello.

What tales they could tell us and what stories we would hear?

With rustling sounds in the wind, I fancied that I really did hear a few whispers, standing in the bright sunshine, among my family.