Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Perrott Landed in the Tree

The DNA study has been completed, ending a lot of speculation.

Our "Parrott" surname descends from the "Perrott" Family.

Wilburn Larry Parrott has been officially recognized as a true descendant of Richard Perrott.


The line has tentatively been traced all the way back to :

Sir John Perrott, of Haroldstone, Pembroke, Wales!

Birth: Nov., 1528
Death: Nov. 3, 1592

English aristocracy. His parentage is unknown but it has long been suggested that he was the illegitimate son of Henry VIII and Mary Berkeley, a lady in waiting to the Queen. Sir John was educated at St David's, Pembrokeshire, and at the age of eighteen was placed in the household of William Paule, first Marquis of Winchester. He was introduced to Court in the autumn of 1549 and was created a Knight at Edward VI's coronation. He took part in the 155l negotiations with Henry II of France toward arranging a marriage between Edward VI and infant Princess Elizabeth of France.

After Edward's death and the ascendance of Mary I to the throne, Sir John was denounced as a Protestant and was committed to the Fleet Prison before he was allowed to leave the country to join a military expedition in France. He was present at the capture of St. Quentin in 1557. He returned to England a few months prior to Mary's death and with the ascendance of Elizabeth I, Sir John was one of the four gentlemen chosen to carry the canopy of state at the new Queen's coronation. He proved a favorite of Queen Elizabeth who appointed him Vice-Admiral of the seas about South Wales and keeper of the gaol at Haverfordwest, and he became Mayor of Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, in 1570. The Queen appointed Sir John the first Lord of Munster, and he spent almost three years in Ireland subduing rebellion. Weary of Ireland, he returned to England without the Queen's leave in July 1573; pleading ill health, he was allowed to quit his Irish post.

In I578 he was appointed Commissioner for Piracy in Pembrokeshire. In 1584 the Queen appointed Sir John Lord Deputy of Ireland and he spent four more turbulent years in Ireland. He was able to return to England in 1588 to find that his enemies at court had ample time to conspire against him, and the throne apparently became alarmed with his power and status. After a short confinement in Lord Burghley's house, Sir John was committed to the Tower of London in March 1591. More than a year later he went to trial on charges of high treason which included contemptuous words against the Queen, and with treasonable correspondence with the King of Spain and the Prince of Parma. He was found guilty and condemned to death on April 27, 1592. A rumor surfaced that the Queen intended to pardon him, but he died of natural causes before the sentence could be executed. His son, Sir Thomas Perrott, was restored Sir John's estates.

Published in 1776. National Portrait Gallery, London.

The Chapel Royal of Saint Peter ad Vincula remains a place of worship for about 150 residents within the Tower of London. Ad vincula means in chains and commemorates St Peter’s imprisonment in Jerusalem. The chapel was dedicated some time before the Tower was regularly used as a state prison and at first it lay just west of the tower. The chapel was in existence already before the end of the 12th century. It was destroyed and rebuilt a few times. A number of high-born and eminent persons were spared the indignity of public execution on Tower Hill and were beheaded behind the walls of the Tower on the Green just in front of the Chapel.


Richard Perrott, Senior~ 7th Great Grandfather

Richard Perrott, Sr. deeded land to his son Richard Perrott, Jr.:

January 4, 1672, land was deeded to son Richard, as a wedding gift.

This deed mentions Richard Jr.'s wife, Sarah Halfhide; his second son Henry; and his brother Robert's two eldest sons.

Deed dated 4 January 1672 - Richard Perrot of Middlesex County gent. to my son Richard Perrot of aforesaid County in consideration of good will and affection which I bear to him - tract of land now belonging to me, next to ye mouth of Rappa. River containing by estimation 800 acres and if he should die without issue, the said land to go to Sarah Halfhide for her natural life and then to my second son Henry and his heirs and in case of no issue to go to my brother Robert Parrott, two eldest sons and their heirs.

Richard Perrott, Jr. died at age 36 years old.

Last Will And Testament, of Richard Perrott, Sr.:

Last Will and Testament of Richard Perrot ye elder Written 20 July 1686

-- Probated 7 February 1686/87Middlesex County, Virginia

In the name of God Amen, I Richard Perrot ye elder of ye County of Middlesex, being in perfect health both of Body & minde, But Considering mans frailety, I have made & ordained this my Last Will and Testament in maner & forme following; And ~ first I bequeath my Soul into ye hands of Almighty God who gave it hopeing through ye Merritts of my Blessed Saviour for a joyful Resurrection, And my Body to ye earth from whence it came to be decently buryed at ye discretion of my Executr hereafter named, And for what worldly goods it hath pleased God of his goodness to bestow upon me, I will & dispose of ye Same as followeth, hereby Revokeing and making voyde all former Wills by me made.

Item I give & devise unto my Loveing wife Margritt Perrot the Plantation that I now live on wth ye Stock thereunto belonging to be by her used & injoyed during her naturall life in full and ample Satisfaction of all Dower & title of Dower due to her by ye Law, Alsoe I give & bequeath unto my afores. wife, all my howsehold Goods & other Materialls belonging to ye howse, and afores. Plantation, togeather wth all my Plats to her & her Assignes for ever.

Item I Give & devise unto Henry Perrot ye eldest Sonn of my Sonn Richard Perrot, The Plantation I now live upon togeather wth ye whole Tract or Tracts of Land thereunto belonging or adjoyning thereunto wth all Plantations thereupon. And to ye Heires of his body Lawfully to be begotten for ever, to be held & enjoyed after ye decease of my Said loveing wife, And for want of Such Heires, to Richard Perrot ye Brother ye Sd. Henry my Grandson & to ye heires of his body to be Lawfully begotten, and for want of Such heires to decend to my Right Heires for ever.

Item I give & devise to my Executrix hereafter named, my Plantation and Dividend of Land Situate on the north Side of Pyankotanke River in Middlesex County Contayning One Thousand Acres of Land more or less togeather with Fower Negroes and Forty head of Cattle being upon or belonging to ye Sd. Plantation, or ye whole Stock of Cattle that Stable upon or belonging to ye Sd. Plantation at ye time of my Death, To have & to hold to my said Executrix h[er heires] and Assignes for ever to and for ye uses intents & purposes hereafter mentioned and to & for none other intent or purpose Whatsoever, (That is to Say) to ye intent That my Said Executrix Shall forthwith after my decease, for good & Sufficient Consideration Bargaine & Sell ye said Plantation & One Thousand Acres of Land wth ye Said fower Negroes & Stock of Cattle, and ~ make & deliver Sufficient Deeds or Conveyances for ye Land & confer? to ye Purchasser & his heires & Assignes for ever And dispose of and imploy ye products or purchass money paid for ye Land for and towards the payment of a Debt that I owe to John Jeffryes of ye City of London Esq., And if it should please God that my Executrix Should departe this Naturall life before ye Sale of ye Said Plantation & Dividend of Land Negroes & Cattle, Then I give ye like Power of ye Disposall or Sale of ye Same to ye Overseers of this my last Will hereafter named or ye Survyve of them, to and for ye uses Intents and purposses before mentioned.

Item All my Debts I justly owe being first Satisfyed I give and bequeath to my loveing wife Margrit Perrot and my loveing Sonn Richard Perrot all ye rest? residue of my estate whatsoever or wheresoever ye Same & to be equally divided Between them -

Item I give and bequeath unto my worthy friend Ralph Wormeley Esq. Twenty Shillings to buy him a Ring.

Item I give & bequeath to Dor. Walker Whitaker Twenty Shillings to buy him a Ring.

Item I make Constitute & ordain my loveing wife Margritt Perrot my whole & Sole Executrix of this my last Will & Testam:, And doe desire & appoynte my loveing friends Ralph Wormeley Esq. Dor. Walker Whitaker & Christopher Robinson, Overseer, to See this my last Will duely performed & fulfilled, Witness my hand & Seal this 20th day of July 1686.

Signed Sealed and publishedin ye presece of:

Richard (6th Great grandfather) had a son named Curtis Perrott ~

Curtis Perrott married Ann Daniel ( 5th Great Grandparents) on May 03, 1714 in Middlesex County, Virginia.

Curtis Sr. had a son named Curtis Perrott on January 30, 1717.

Curtis Perrott, Jr. married Ann Dashpour. (4th Great grandparents)

This couple had a son named John Parrott (3rd Great Grandfather) in Louisa County, Virginia, Colony.

John Parrott apparently went south into Georgia. He died there in about 1845. He married Hannah Kenney on April 01, 1793 in Virginia.

They had a son named Noah Tyre McKinsey Parrott.

Noah Tyre Parrott was born in Greene County, Georgia and died in York County , South Carolina. I have located a few Parrott's buried in Fayette County, Georgia.

Noah Tyre McKinsey Parrott was our 2nd Great Grandfather.

He married Mary Nichols on March 20, 1845 in South Carolina. He probably is buried at Beth Shiloh Presbyterian Church Cemetery in York County, South Carolina. There is no marker.

Beth Shiloh Presbyterian Church in York, South Carolina.

Mary Nichols is buried there, in Shiloh Cemetery.

He and Mary had at least 11 children:

One of these, was Robert Samuel Parrott, Sr. Our Great Grandfather.

Robert Samuel married his first wife, Amanda A. Curry, about 1878.

Amanda died at age 30.

She and Robert Samuel had four children, two boys and two girls.

She is buried, alongside of Robert Samuel, at Beth Shiloh Presbyterian Church in York County, South Carolina.

It could be that Amanda died in childbirth, with the last child, Alice.

Children of Robert Samuel and Amanda Curry Parrott:

William Curtis Parrott - Born November 26, 1878
Cora Lee Parrott - Born March 12, 1882
Robert Samuel Parrott, Jr. - Born February 10, 1884
Alice Parrott - Born February 1886

He married Nancy "Nannie" Ann Barber after Amanda's death.

Robert Samuel Parrott and Nannie Barber Parrott had seven more children:
Mary Lois Parrott - Born October 20, 1888
Elizabeth "Bessie" Maude Parrott - Born March 01, 1890
John James "Johnny" Parrott - Born June 20, 1892
Mary Hattie Parrott- Born December 14, 1893
Caroline "Carrie" J. Parrott April 17, 1898
Wilburn Larry Parrott - Born October 20, 1903- My grandfather.
Edward McKinley Parrott - Born July 29, 1907